Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My other blogs

Just to announce that i have created a new seperate blog for my photography rather than spamming that on top of my design work, especially as i will be posting parts of a few comissions i am soon to be doing. this new blog can be found here:

This contains anything about my photography and available prints i am selling!

Degree Show at NUCA

Last night was our private view at norwich university college of the arts. It was a good night and a great opening to the weeks ahead of open days for people to come and visit, if you are in the area feel free to drop by and come look at the work on show. Heres some photos of the evening:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Number 67

Number 67! My fish in the end of year degree show at Norwich university college of the arts. where you see this fish you will see my work, a digital submission of a website and a link to this very blog, and my portfolio, if you are around Norwich come take a look, everyone's put a lot of hard work getting this show up.

In other news i also have a lot of digital photography going up on my deviant art account this week, so keep an eye out for that. I have passed my BA(hons) degree and im really proud of myself that i've achieved this, now comes the hard part, even though we've been preparing for it, i dont think anything can really prepare us fully. Even if i dont get a job straight away i love designing so much im going to carry on doing a few designs myself, just to play around and keep design fresh in my mind, websites, branding, packaging, advertising you name it.

Whilst i was in london i got a brief chance to get out and about to see the latest art installment throught the great city, although i barely got 1/4 of them on camera, the elephants are amasing, each one painted by a different person, from a different art school, each show their individual creativity within the designs. We had similar in our home city, but nothing on this scale.

Just a different canvas material. these skateboarders are true artists, was uite inspirational to see their art all over the place, a lot of people look down on people who are grafitti artists, i agree there are some places it shouldnt be but i agree there should be more places like the skate park i walked past, the skaters were happy people taking photos of their art and tricks and even posed for photos.the art they do is a bit like cave carvings, however its different styles and materials on the stone.

If you do visit our show please dont hesitate to leave comments in my comment box below, or leave your comments with any of the students and tutors who are also there.

Thanks for reading,
Keep on swimming.

Friday, May 21, 2010

London 2012 Olympic mascots

Anyone seen these guys yet? Yup the new olympic mascots what they are hoping will raise them 70million profit, yet they wont tell anyone how much they cost to design. however i do feel a good design is somethng you shouldnt have to explain much yet they did? the first people to unvail where the one show, the second they had the entirety of the worls were allowed to see, but i dont understand is the only thing remotely brittish in these is the Taxi cab sign.. but then other places in the world have these too lol, i mean america do for one I was guessing the patterns on them were a simplyfied version of the british flag when looking through the website where i got this image, i do also like the idea of using the olympic rings ans bangles instead and will be a good merchandise point, and probably their biggest source of profit. Also i love the animation but again its a bit of a poor storyline? feels as its been thrown together, anyone else have opinions?
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Advertising: Kit Kat

I found this whilst lurking the google for internet meme's and something to have a laugh at, i thought this was pretty clever idea, the idea of using their slogan "take a break" in a literal form and meaning by turning the bench into a kit kat! Love it

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Friday, May 07, 2010

Up and running at last!

I can finally anounce that my website is officially up and running, i still have to buy my url but for now you can check it out here: feel free to e-mail me or leave comments about it all here

Logo and pitch

recently been doing a project that involves rebranding and advertising the sealife centre, you maybe could tell from my last post and poll. Well here is the final logo that i have been using.

Also yesterday had my first pitch, i felt it went really well and i was real proud of myself. all i have to do is wait for the results to come in now. It was an experience, i was nervous, but it was fun and interesting at the same time.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Sharks or rays cast your vote!!!

Which do you prefer to see when you visit the sealife centre, sharks or rays? which gets your more hyped? cast your vote now! leave a vote in the right hand side poll. its open for two days.

Herbal essences gift package

The idea behind this project was to design a gift packaging for herbal essences shampoo and conditioner, however i found that most gift packages when you've emptied them you would just simply discard it so i designed it with a soap dish so you had something to keep once the rest of the shampoo had gone. i added 2 tubes of bath bombs to add to it aswell. i wanted a clear package because the bottles are usually rather decrative anyway and didnt want to take away from that. also it means the package is universal for each type of their shampoo and conditioner range.

Self Promotion and candidates

Finally, its been a while but i can say i have my buisness cards now, im real pleased on how they've turned out, can't wait to start handing them out. My website is also almost finnished, just a few more bits to do and i can start uploading it to a host, so keep an eye out i will post a link here to it when it is done. I am also looking for candidates for websites to go onto my "random favorite" link, so if you've got a website that you think is worth promotiong on there drop your link in the comments bellow so i can check it out.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I said i would post this.... my before college days.

A while ago i said i would post a tutorial, well i made this ages ago, and for a little fun and a laugh thought id post it, jsut to break off from the serious stuff for a bit. I Made it when i was teaching photoshop to people about 5 years ago on some online forum, A lot of them found it real handy, mostly for techniques rather than for making banners as i have in this, so enjoy comment, i laugh everytime i see this now at how much i have improved, its nice to sometimes reflect on old work to help you realise how much you really have improved.

well i hope you enjoyed that, now its back to the serious design side of things in the next entry.

Photos, A first outing.

Finally the weather is nice enough to venture outside for photo taking, and im starting to get into the swing of it again, so i would like to share a few shots with you mostly macro photography however i really like these images.

This is only two of many photos i took howeve i havent managed to upload them all yet to post.  My design work itself is comming on nicely and i hope to have my website up soon aswell, so keep an eye out for posts with more of my design work and the launch of my website.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Contemplating and Review

Its only 11 weeks til I finnish University, not long, that includes our final exhibition and i will give some more details on that a bit later on in another entry.

In previous blogs i mensioned about ordering a book, well i have read it and i loved it! theres so much treasure in the small book, its also got a few "tasks" in it aswell Its reat ofr anyone looking at branding or logo design, and its all wirtten by designers, not some critique who thinks they know everything and not even been there.

There was one thing mensioned in there i have tried out so far, and thats about logo awareness. I've done this twice in 3 different places to get an idea for my own advertising. All it is in the space of 30 seconds of what ever you're doing to just sitting in a place and looking around you count how many logos you see. the first time i counted 48 and that was sitting in my own room, the second was driving along in the car, I counted 23 and the 3rd time was during the ad break of Dr who and going to make myself a drink. Im going to keep refering to this book, its highly recomended by myself and a friend.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cherry crafts

I was having a look around on logo design loves facebook group and looking at all the work other designers have done and i found two that were worth blogging that i've seen recently and this is one. I thought it was brilliant work, the type face sits perfectly with an imaginative literal cherry cottage with a 3D feel to it, sometwhat almost like a Mac icon feel. Simple imaginative and creative this was designed by Ross Green, its definatly more than just a logo.

A book worth buying?

I've decided it was about time i stopped borrowing books and baught a few of my own design books. And i found one that seemed interesting i will give a reveiw afterwards of my own once i recieve it in a few days. It is called logo design love, they have a facebook group aswell. its as you can guess by the title all about logos and branding and i thought it would be one of he 2 best places to start alongside typography and fonts. I baught it from for £12.99 it was the cheapest ive seen it everywhere else was £25 abouts. so if you want to check it out for yourself it would be best to buy there. If you've read/looked at it and have any reveiws dont hesitate to leave them below. And if you have any typography/font book suggestions do the same.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Just a quick note to myself really, but if anyone else is interested, one of my followers showed me a programme as i was interested in doing some 3D logos and told me about blender so first thing i done, looking up tutorials if anyone knows of any good ones and this is the most basic starter i could find

blender tutorial

old photoshop banner tutorials with blending comming soon!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Fonts away!

I've been trying to search for many a font and found so many sites that do free fonts, so i thought i would list them all here for everyone else and for later reference.

Fonts for big headers:

Fonts for minimal design:

High quality funky graphical fonts:

Bad me i guess?

Well i seem to have neglected my blog one night.. oops. well i was going to do a "blast from the past!" blog but im leaving that til tomorrow because i need to find the images to write it.

I still cant beleive how far my own design thinking has come aswel as my work, i cant help but feel proud. but thats not the only thng thats changed, design in general has changed over the years, and rather largely. you wouldnt think it but the same as fasion and technology design seems to go through "fads" aswell from vetor and clean design to the old war ime poster feel and back again, its like i said in my last blog technology is always changing, and so is design, its trying to keep up with that aswell as acheiving goals thats the hard part.

I'd like to slip in here the link to my deviantart page, i love design and so forth but at the same time i love photography, i guess it kind of comes with the design process in some casses especially for art directors. ive had a lot of inspiration from my own photos, and i love my macro shots so please feel free to look around on there too. here are just a few images including a photo of japanese singer momoi halko during her pannel at Ayacon 2009:

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Keeping up with technology.

Although being very inspired to write about the lecture i attended today i am unable to get my notes to tell you enough so here i will talk about this instead.

Is it hard to keep up to date with technology? In my opinion with design its always hard theres always something new, new ways of advertising, new ways of promoting, new technology being introduced needing new designs and programming, new programmming to create designs, but thats the great thing. if you can keep up with it it can be very useful. I was searching for some flash websites for inspiration the other day and found this:

I thought it was brilliant! A new way of advertising, being advertised using new technology. I loved the animation too, modern sleek and quite cute too.

also an amasing designed flash website.

Just a short post.

Just a short post today, i've not had time really to do too much been a very busy day and heres to more to come. I've got my flow back now i think, im feeling good about it all. so here is a link to something else (yeah i know another link) i will get around to finding some more interesting stuff later but as i said been very busy.

i never get tired of these images.